Friday, September 30, 2005

Disappointing situation
Kuwait Times, Monday, September 26th 2005
Kuwait Digest

By Rashid AI-Radaan

No one is sure if the confusion that currently prevails in Kuwait is deliberate or it is the social, economic or political aftermath of Saddam's invasion of the country!! There are widespread negative feelings, and chaos and recklessness are rampant, as if patriotic fervour has been forcefully taken away from the people and they no longer care to think in terms of their country and its development.

Even the expatriates living in Kuwait seem to have turned renegades and they move in confusion because they have noticed the nationals do not care for their country, they violate the law and do whatever they like. So even the domestic helpers have become betrayers. They have no qualms about violating the lqama law and public order, they go about doing whatever they deem fit without fear. All our affairs are run by bribes, and those who pay will get lqama, work permits and entry visas. The visa traders are quite comfortable, everyone fears and respects them, and a racket capable of smuggling 'wanted' criminals out of the country has emerged in our country. Another networks for cashing products, yet another to "help the needy and confiscate their homes." It has been also rumoured that a naturalisation racket has also cropped up lately! Are we safe under such chaotic state of affairs in our country?

If the Parliament spends huge amounts on friendly trips that do not have any good behind them, its members of Parliament want to hold the government accountable? If some members are on the boards of local companies, how can he remain free from suspicions!! The overall situation is disappointing and a parliament or a weak government that is afraid of grilling cannot reform the country. Reforms are possible only by sincere citizens, who are cleverly sidelined and put on shelves. We cannot hope for anything good from the parliament because some of its members are the fountainheads of the chaos. Rather they are the chaos!


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