Friday, October 14, 2005

American woman, a human rights activist illegally imprisoned by Kuwait Added: (Fri Oct 07 2005)


For immediate release October 06, 2005, Kuwait City, Kuwait


Trina Flowers, an American actively working for those expatriates whose basic human rights are routinely compromised by every Kuwaitis who employ over a million foreign workers from India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Thailand, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, and many other poor countries.

Trina was hired by the University of Kuwait to teach English under a contract over 6 years ago. After completing the contract she was hired by another technical institute where her troubles began. She was asked to pass several students who were the members of the ruling families despite the fact that they were all failing student. Her refusal to pass these students started an antagonistic relationship between her and the Director of the Institute. The Director ended up firing Trina. This firing was clearly in violations of the employment contract between Trina and the Institute. Subsequently Trina filed civil cases against the school and the Director. In retaliation the Director, through his political connections with the ruling families, illegally placed a travel ban on Trina and filed a complaint with the labor department alleging that she is absconding from her work that was a totally self-fabricated lie by the Director.

Trina won the cases in all the courts where the courts found the Infinitude in violation of their contractual obligations. Despite her winning the cases under the Kuwaiti laws, the corrupt court system refused to pay her back pays that she won fair and square according to the Kuwaiti laws. She took the case to the US embassy for help. US embassy, instead of helping her, was siding with the corrupt regime of the country. It has been a norm not an exception that the mid level diplomats receive various types of favors from the local corrupt businessmen and from the state employees. On a larger scale the scandal of the former US ambassador Mr. Richard Jones and his cronies like Sean Murphy, and the commercial attaché Patrician Gonzales are well documented. The oil that was sold to Iraqis at highly inflated prices at US tax payers money by the Kuwaitis was the tip of the iceberg of the corruption that the US embassy in Kuwait was implicated in. Instead of helping an American citizens who is fighting on the principal on which the foundation of the American society is based on, the US embassy sided with their corrupt benefactors for personal gains during their diplomatic assignment to this rich and corrupt little country. Who knows the next assignment could be in more accountable European countries where the opportunity for the crooked diplomats may not be as easily available with such impunity. Richard Jones was at just at the beginning of our Iraqi invasion that made him few millions quickly and the discovery of this fact by his superiors got the damage control started. Ambassador Richard Jones and his henchmen were briskly transferred to more corrupt regimes. Sean Murphy, the right hand man of Richard Jones is now basking in the corrupt glory of Chile and Richard Jones is still peddling his influence between Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and rest of the corrupt Gulf States.

Trina is illegally detained in the CID/Interpol station without any charges. She is denied any visitation by any of her friends and well wishers. Even her lawyer Mr. Abdul Majid Khuraibet (965- 964-6266), an ex-police general and a well connected Kuwaiti is denied all visitations with Trina. He is appalled and furious at the illegalities of the Kuwaiti government. Ironically, our embassy is assisting the corrupt regime. Embassy has obediently performed attaché request of the Ministry of Foreign affairs of Kuwait to issue Trina a new US passport as her older passport is expired. Embassy sent their photographer to the detention center and took Trina’s picture against her wishes and without her request issuing a passport to facilitate the Kuwaiti government to illegally deport Trina out of Kuwait for fears that she has very damaging and compromising information on some of the highest officials of Kuwaiti government and our US embassy who in collaboration with the Kuwaiti Ministry of foreign affairs does not wish to expose these officials to such scandals. Instead of serving the US citizen’s needs, US embassy is obediently following the commands of their rich masters of Kuwait.

A shameful and disgusting act of the US embassy’s brown nosing to their rich patrons that make all of us Americans feel totally vulnerable for to speak on the issues of democracy, human rights, labor rights and related issues dealing directly with democracy. Here we are sacrificing hundreds of our sons and daughters in Iraq in the name of democracy and freedom and killing thousands of innocent men, women and children in Iraq as a justifiable sacrifice for the future of democracy while at the gateway of Iraq, a tiny country like Kuwait is basking in glory of tyranny, corruption, anti democratic practices, and doing every possible thing against the principals that we as American stand for.

It is one the most shameful act of our incompetent and self-serving little poodles who are lapping it up what their corrupt and rich Kuwaiti masters throw at them. Very disgusting situation with us Americans in Kuwait. Our embassy and the State department is a sorry case for generations to speak of.

If you really care for human justice, democracy, the sacrifices our boys and girls are making in Iraq in the name of democracy and freedom, then please help Trina Flowers, an innocent and totally persecuted individual who is fights for thousands of helpless poor in this country where no one dares to questions the corrupt and cruel system that is prevailing with not a single establishment media exposing the evils of Kuwait. Please write about her so the world could expose another of America’s shameful act. Saudi’s royal family’s expose is well documented while the tiny corrupt tyrants of Kuwait are getting away with murders. Our US government sure has a knack in picking up losers when it comes to international politics and partners of crimes.

For more information, please contact John Locke at CorruptionWatch@USA.Com . Or Abdul Majid Khuraibet, Esq. at (965) 244-4820, 244-4828
Thank you.

John Locke, A concerned American and an admirer of Miss Trina Flowers’ work in Kuwait on human rights and related issues.


At 20 October, 2005 23:07, Blogger Ben Rivard said...

"Today, no walls can separate humanitarian or human rights crises in one part of the world from national security crises in another. What begins with the failure to uphold the dignity of one life all too often ends with a calamity for entire nations."

Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General

At 02 November, 2005 07:57, Blogger Trina Flowers said...

1 November 2005

I'm back and have even more stories. Being locked up in Salmiya CID jail and Central Prison introduced me to the 3 adjectives that will always come to mind when I think of Kuwait: mean, cruel and sadistic!

It also gave me the ending to my book "American Bedoun, Made in Kuwait--the Last Eighteen Days"

At 27 March, 2006 12:43, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trina Flowers and other Americans have witnessed and perhaps experienced nothing in comparison to what exists in Kuwait when it comes to human rights viloations. As a matter of fact the use of word "human rights violations" is so wrong when it comes to the kind of atrocities and crimes are committed by the Kuwaiti civilians and the government that is the largest employer of these criminal civilians who are totally alofed and void of any human sensitivities that can't even think of "violations" when it comes to committing curuelities and atrocities on the helpless victims. No Westerner could possibly comprehend the anormity with so much abundance in its ugly forms as we Bangladeshi, Indian, Philippinos, Malaysians, Sri Lankarns and other expatriates face and endure day after day without any hope of relief from all those who so often claim to "fight for human rights". There are Abu Ghareib like atrocities comitted on daily basis almost in every house on helpless domestics in almost every home of Kuwait. We know that there's no end to our sufferings yet we can't even raise our voices even within the walls of our embassies who routinely socialize with the Kuwaitis and don't want to rock the boat of free ride of fringe benefits from their benefectors. God help us all!


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